We Add Value

Baren Associates

Our Expertise
is your Advantage

It's Obvious
Once you understand the nature of Medicare and its Parts, you will understand the need for a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) plan. The question is not whether you need a Medigap plan: you do.  The question is which plan do you get and where do you get it from?

All the information about Medicare and Medigap is available from multiple sources including insurance companies, the internet and the government.  You can set out on a mission to acquire and assimilate the information by yourself.  Or you can rely on a resource to guide you.  We are that resource.

Cost Effective
We help you select a plan that best fits your needs. We look for the best price for that plan among the top companies that offer it. And of course, there is no charge to you for our assistance.  

Our income is derived from the commission on the plans you sign up for through us.  Best of all, when you acquire your Medigap plan through us, you will get it at the exact same cost as if you had signed up for it directly with the insurance company.  

Time is Money
Your time is valuable.  You don't need to waste it becoming an expert in retirement age healthcare.  We can be your resource and do a knowledge transfer so you will be armed with the appropriate information saving you time and frustration. You will need to get a Medigap plan.  Let us help.  
The Choice
If you acquire the same Medigap plan we recommend from somewhere else, you will get the exact same plan at the exact same premium.  You will have everything you would have gotten if you had acquired the Medigap plan through us.  The only thing you won't have is us!

Value Added
Why should that matter to you?  We add value. Over time, you will invariably have questions about Medicare and your Medigap plan.  The companies that sell the plans don't advise about Medicare.  We do.  

Your Champion
If you ever have an issue with the insurance company that is not resolved to your satisfaction, we can attempt to intervene on your behalf.  The outcome may not change but, at least you get a second bite at the apple. 

Keeping Informed
Over time, as premiums rise, you may wonder if other choices are available. If an option is to change companies, you know your current insurance company won't advise you to switch. However, we proactively monitor the premium increases. If you request that we find a lower cost plan, and switching is an appropriate option, we will so advise.
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