Insurance Products

Baren Associates

Insurance Products for all your needs

You're Just Getting Started at 65
Enrolling in Medicare and lining up your Medicare Supplement Plan gets you started.  You might also want to consider a plan to cover your dental, or hearing or vision as well.  But, there is more to life than health coverage.

In your retirement years, you have many of the same insurance needs you had while you were still working and then some.  Life Insurance to protect your assets and loved ones.  Planning for the possibility of needing Long Term Care at some point in your life is best to think about before you need it.  

A prolonged hospital stay can be costly and income inhibiting.  A Hospital Insurance Plan can lesson the impact significantly.  There are also plans that provide coverage for Heart Attacks and Cancer and Strokes.  Definitely not fun to think about but, reassuring to know it's available if you want it.  
Planning to Travel?
Experiencing a medical emergency is troubling enough.  But, having it far from home or in a foreign country can be disconcerting.  We offer emergency Medical Transport Plans to get you home to your doctor or hospital. 

Familiar Names
We work with many of the Insurance companies that you have heard of and some that you haven't. Moreover, we are constantly on the look out for companies that offer better or more cost effective solutions for our clients.
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